Breaking Free: Overcome Limiting Beliefs Around Money for Success

We often get ourselves into a ‘worry wart’ state about money. In this article, I'll be sharing with you limiting beliefs around money and attracting money that I became aware of, and how this was sabotaging me in my business. I'll also draw some parallels to some of my clients’ situations where they've experienced limiting beliefs around money too. 

Towards the end, I’ll share a super practical tip on how to move out of the state of ‘worry wart’, beginning with creating some self-awareness.

Where Limiting Beliefs Come From

I feel I've always been really quite lucky with my business and the businesses I've run. I’ve been able to find clients quite quickly and turn a profit very quickly as well. However, I recently realised that I was running some interesting limiting beliefs around my own success. 

Person reclining at the beach, enjoying a peaceful view symbolising overcoming limiting beliefs around money

Through most of my childhood years, my teens and through my 20s, my dad actually ran his own business on and off. He worked in the building trade and would start his own building company and do really well at it, and probably run it for a couple of years and be very successful financially, and decide, as far as I was aware, and as far as he would tell us, that it was getting too hard and it was just too much. So, he would then go and work for somebody else. It then became frustrating for him working for somebody else, and so he would start his own business again, and that cycle would continue. 

What was really interesting was I came to a realisation that this was something that I was doing myself – and not necessarily out of choice, or so I thought. I'd run my own business in the UK for a couple of years before I came to Australia and did very well in that. My last contract was technically through the business, and I had gone in as an employee. However, looking back on it, I was running exactly the same routine as my dad. I was doing very well in my business and then took an employment job. When I came to Australia, I was an employee for some time with my visa situation, and then started running my own business again. It started really well, and I was doing really well, and then I took on a corporate role, an employed job. I did this part-time for about six months and then added an extra day for another six months, and then went full-time for a year. 

Repeating Patterns from Childhood

I realised when I went back full-time into my business that what I’d done had actually had a massive impact. My momentum had gone with the clients I had been speaking with, with the networking events that I was attending, and with conversations and relationships that I'd started building through coffee meetings or through regular catch ups that you might do as part of your sales, marketing and relationship building within a business. 

The limiting beliefs that I had adopted, learned through my dad in terms of that cycle – but in addition to that, some family beliefs around money – came into my awareness after I had realised, I was running this cycle: that the more money I had, the more people I would have in my life that were only there for my money.

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Now these were a really interesting bunch of beliefs that I had. The cycle of when I am successful then self-sabotaging my business and going into an employed job because it was easier, and then going back into the business and having a bit of struggle and then making something successful, and then deciding that it was easier to go back into a job. On top of which, running the beliefs that I couldn’t make more money than I was because it would lead to me having friends that were not really friends but who were only in my life because of my money. 

Some pretty messed up beliefs – I am aware – but really amazing to have had that awareness around where the beliefs came from specifically. I expect there were a bucket load of things that I would have seen as a child. But I became very, very aware that these were patterns that I was operating under. 

So, I created some shifts. I did my subconscious level work, did some emotional release work to remove stresses around when I have had slows in my business, when I've done that self-sabotage, any guilt that I might have been holding around that self-sabotage, and any guilt that I was holding around being able to be successful and being able to make a lot of money. 

Personal Transformation

Changing my beliefs around the kind of people who would be in my life when I had financial wealth, and also what my worth is and what people truly value about me:  that people in my life value who I am, not what I am and what I have. 

This has created a significant shift in how I operate and how I work. I have had opportunities presented to me to go back into workplaces and take on employed roles or go and work in consulting capacities full-time. I've been able to much more comfortably, with much more ease, knowing and surety, stay in flow with what it is that I'm doing. This has given me so much more fulfilment than what I was doing previously. 

A Client’s Limiting Beliefs

Now, I said I would share some client stories with you as well to draw some parallels and give some other examples of how our beliefs around money can really impact the way that we show up in our own worlds. 

One example is of a client who was experiencing an incredible amount of guilt spending money on herself. Running a successful business, an incredibly generous person when it came to spending money on other people but the second there was a purchase made for herself, like a treat or some clothes, maybe a dinner out, there was guilt attached to it. Through discussion, my client recognised that this is what she'd witnessed when she was growing up. Her parents didn’t spend a lot on themselves. It was spending for the family or for the children and for extended family members, but not for themselves. It didn't feel right for her to be doing any spending on herself when she "should" only be spending on other people. 

We did some change work around this at that subconscious level to change the beliefs around what it was to spend money on herself; that she was worthy to spend money on herself; she deserved to spend money on herself; and that it was safe and okay for her to do that. We also worked on removing and shifting her state of guilt into safe, peace, non-attachment, and that there was flow that when she spent money on herself it was a gift, and she would attract more money. There were lots of beautiful beliefs and energy shifts that we created.

It was wonderful to hear her progress two to four weeks later that she had spent money on herself and actually had then realised after doing it, that she hadn't had those guilt pangs. This showed she had really stepped into a state of flow within herself. She had created more ease for herself to show up in her own world. 

Practical Tip for Self-Reflection

It’s time for that super practical and easy tip.  I promise this is going to be really worthwhile doing, so commit yourself to doing it for seven days straight. It'll only take you five minutes each day.

This is going to help you create a level of awareness around why it is that you want money, and through this, we're going to start to identify what limiting beliefs you have around money. Once you understand why you want it you can start to create supportive subconscious beliefs around what is aligned to why you want it.

For example, for most people they want more money so they can experience freedom. They want to be free to do what they want when they want and how they want. They want to be free to enjoy eating wherever they want to, going to whatever activities they want to. They want to be free to spend time with their families whenever they want to. 

It's not the money that most people crave. It's the freedom. When we understand that and have a level of awareness around that, it can really open up what we can explore at the subconscious belief level to programming and creating some emotional flow towards. 

Okay, here's the tip.

For the next seven days, you're going to be putting pen to paper for five minutes at a time. Only five minutes each day for seven days. Set the timer on your phone or on your alarm clock so that you can be completely focused for the five minutes during the activity. 

Start the timer and write at the top of your piece of paper, your workbook, your journal: “Why do I want money?” Then, write without stopping for the rest of the five minutes, until your timer goes off. Even if you're writing, ‘I don't know what to write’, keep going. You might end up writing ‘I don't know what to write. I don't know what to write. I don't know what to write’, and then some random thought will pop into your head. Try and keep your mind focused on ‘Why do I want money?’ 


The frequency and consistency are what will give your inner voice the space to communicate. This practice is powerfully revealing when done with complete presence and having zero expectations and most importantly – and I can’t stress this enough – with ZERO judgement. 

For the next seven days, five minutes each day, put your timer on and put your pen to paper and write down ‘Why do I want money?’. Then go for five minutes. 

Drop me a message on Instagram or send me an email and let me know what your inner wisdom revealed to you. 

Sending you love, hugs and magic. 

Bhavna xx

Take charge of your money mindset today! Identify and overcome those limiting beliefs holding you back - schedule a call today.

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