(Just as the roots of the tree know Spring is in the air)
Last week I was telling a good friend of mine, who's just started blogging herself, about the post I was going to put up this week.
I even wrote half of it...
Yes, and? What's you're point...
Well it was about weight gain...yes, you read that correctly - gain. Something that has been the bane of my life for many years.
I'm a fairly fit person, but after falling ill a few times in the last 3-4 years (tonsillitis, chest infection blah blah blah) I was very aware that I wanted and needed to get my heart and lung health up.
However, cardio exercise spiked my metabolism which meant weight loss...
Anyway...here's the important part that, which ever you're working at doing gain or loss, is going to be important.
Last weekend, I was on a course through which I learned that subconsciously I didn't actually want to put on weight! I was soooo shocked! I didn't dig any deeper as to why, but quickly did a change process to align my subconscious to my conscious efforts.
But wow!!
We're soooo often trying to make conscious changes in our life and our subconscious is right there stopping it from happening...perhaps to protect us but usually to maintain previously learned limiting beliefs.
If you're battling to try and achieve your ideal weight, eating healthier or any other goal give me a call and we can make sure your subconscious mind is playing on your team!
Be your best!
Bhav xx