Beyond Traditional Medicine: a Holistic Path to Health

Creating Health & Wholeness

As you may or may not know, everything is energy – and when we start with that knowledge, health and wholeness on the physical, material level becomes much more achievable.

If everything is energy, then that would mean even when we are not well, when we are holding extra weight, when we are not achieving the goals that we have for ourselves in our health and wholeness, those are energetic too.

What does that mean? It means that we have something in our energetic field that is creating limitation and stuckness in our energy, preventing us from achieving and creating or manifesting the state of being that we desire.

Keeping this in mind, I’m going to share a personal journey.

My Journey to Wholeness & Health

When I was 13, I was diagnosed with chronic ulcerative colitis, an irritable bowel syndrome. It was a condition unheard of back then for someone that young, only really seen in 40+ year olds.

I was told the condition didn't have a cure and I was going to have it for the rest of my life, and need medications for the rest of my life.

As I moved into my 20s and my mid-20s, I started seeking out other ways and natural means for healing. One of the things that I looked into were energetic methods of healing. I grew up with energy healing, with my mum using energy medicine with us all my life, so it was already a part of my reality.

I decided that if something could help to heal my body at the energetic level, without the need for medication, why would I not try that? If my symptoms are going to alleviate and I'm going to experience more ease and alignment with my body, why would I not try that? These were my initial thoughts around working energetically.

Already experienced with my mum’s practices, I wanted to explore further afield.

Enter Reiki

I looked on the Internet for Reiki practitioners and found that most of the search results or websites I landed on explained it in a way I found a little well, airy fairy.

Whilst maybe less than I used to be, I am still very scientific, logical minded and I just wanted somebody to be able to explain it to me logically. So I chose not to go to a practitioner for a session. Instead, I signed up to do my Reiki Level 1.

Bhavna reminding us everything is energy

During my Reiki Level 1 workshop, I experienced quite a lot of energy movement in my body, and when I gave a Reiki session to somebody else I was able to sense where they were experiencing blocks. This was not something I had experienced quite so consciously before.

This was quite a profound experience for me.

A little bit of healing may have happened for me in that weekend workshop, and I continued to practise the tools and the processes on myself and with family and friends. At the time, I had the pleasure of having a great deal of sceptical but open-minded friends who were curious about receiving a Reiki session. They also had their minds blown by what they could feel and sense as I was giving the Reiki session.

Fast Forward to PSYCH-KⓇ

I'm going to fast forward about 10 years because my real healing with this particular condition happened when I started working with PSYCH-KⓇ and doing meditation work with Dr Joe Dispenza.

Dr Joe’s meditations were incredibly powerful for me. I was moving a lot of energy in my body from the get go. I wasn't expecting anything to happen, and when it did, it was spectacular. Every single time I was having release experiences through my body and out of my cellular body.

PSYCH-KⓇ is one of the primary tools I use now when working with myself and with my clients. I had started working with PSYCH-KⓇ before I'd gone on Dr Joe's retreats and remember vividly having the thought, what could possibly be better than this?

In three months, I had experienced some tremendous releases: doing stress release processes on the energetic level; doing subconscious change work; working with belief statements and belief systems; and really transforming them into what is foundationally and at our core, health and wholeness.

As a result, my physical body went through huge releases, and I'm talking about rear end purges!

Release and More Release!

There was a lot of releasing of information coming through my body and I was sitting with that and processing it and being okay and comfortable – and mentally and emotionally, I actually felt amazing!

I'd lost a little bit of weight, so much so that I had a friend ask me with a lot of concern if I was okay. All I could reply was “Yes, I'm amazing” because I truly felt like I'd shed a shit load of trauma that was sitting in my body and created space to now build health.

Now, I by no means profess that I'm in a PERFECT state of health and wholeness, but I'm much, much, MUCH healthier and more whole than I've ever felt in my whole life. Why do I say that I'm not in perfect health and wholeness?

Your Choices Matter

I believe that I am the healthiest I have ever been, the most whole that I have ever been, but the choices that we make on a day-to-day basis can keep that in balance or pull us out of balance. Those choices can be what we're thinking, what we're feeling, and what we're putting into and onto our bodies.

Being a mindset and energy coach, I'm constantly exploring what my new edges are, and certainly other things come into my awareness that I may have buried decades or lifetimes ago. As these things are coming into my awareness, choosing to process them in the best way that I know how, using the tools that I have – like PSYCH-KⓇ, working energetically with myself to do energetic releases, or utilising different types of meditation and breath work – these are all things that help me to move energy out of my body and create release.

Every time that I choose to do that, I'm taking myself to a different state of health and wholeness - mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Now, when I'm feeling a little bit run down, I refer to this as my body ‘getting more well’.

My body is going through a release process, going through a cleanse, and everything is getting more well and upgrading! That's truly how it feels! I come out at the other end of these release situations feeling more whole than I ever did before.

Even though I already felt healthy and whole, my level of energy increases. My strength increases. My rest state increases. My ability to process information and energy increases and speeds up.

And I have this every single time.

Stress Will Kill Ya’!

More and more in the mainstream western medical system, patients are asked what kind of stress they're under. This is because there is finally a growing appreciation that stress is the true cause of dis-ease.

Dis-ease is simply the state of your physical body not being at ease, being out of balance, out of harmony or homeostasis.

When we remove stress from the system and create more alignment with the kinds of things that you wish to experience in your health, then we start to support shifts in the physical reality.

And by that, I mean your body.

Let’s Get to Work on Your Health and Wholeness!

That brings us to today's tip. We're going to do some work at the mind level to really understand what's going on in the body that's limiting you from achieving health and wholeness.

I use a process that works on the spiritual and subconscious levels, but the one I'm going to share with you is also something that I do at a conscious level.

Feel free to share with me what comes up for you as you do this practice.

Whenever I experience any discomfort, dis-ease, or tension in my body, I'll use my tools to explore the messages that are coming up for, around and connected to that dis-ease, discomfort or tension. Often something will come up and I go through a process to balance the energy around it to bring it back into a state of homeostasis.

Awareness is the first step, so when we know what's going on, we can start healing and transforming it.

When you experience any discomfort, dis-ease, or tension in your body, whether it's new or whether it's existing, imagine that you are holding it in your hand in front of you with your palm facing upward.

Imagine the discomfort, dis-ease or tension in your hand and simply ask the question, ‘What message do you have for me now?’

It's really important, as I've shared in previous blogs, that we're not analysing anything or thinking about what the message might be. It's simply allowing the information to come into your awareness. This may happen straight away, and if it does, it will usually be in the first millisecond that it comes to you.

If it doesn't come to you and you start to find after a couple of seconds, you're in your thinking brain looking for or creating an answer, simply let it go. Continue about your day or evening. If it's before bed, just go to bed.

The information will come BECAUSE you have asked.

The magnificent thing with our physical body is that it's constantly trying to communicate with us. It is sharing information with us all of the time. If we stop and listen without any judgement, we’ll hear it.

I would love to hear how you get on with that and what your body is communicating with you. Drop me a message on socials or feel free to send me an e-mail.

Love, hugs and magic!

Bhavna xx

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