I made a conscious decision to completely stop watching or listening the news about 4 months ago after gaining a slightly deeper understanding of the subconscious mind (I didn't particularly enjoy watching it before this and had and still have strong opinions on how the media drives public behaviour).
I've explained why to a number of friends I choose this, some of whom love watching the news to keep up to date with current affairs for own knowledge and as a means of socialising better with various peers.
What's the reason?
I stopped watching the news because it is in the most part about the bad things that have, are or will happen in the world. I decided that I didn't want these things to be part of my reality of the world, that I'd much rather fill my reality with the beauty and happiness that there is so much more of in the world than what the news reports. I still hear the bad things that are going on through friends when they ask me if I've heard about such and such, and then go on to tell me...and that's okay I politely listen and then tell them I don't watch the news, and explain why...and to date, there hasn't been a person who didn't understand and completely respect this, often to the point of questioning why they themselves watched the news.
So I hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil...it's still all a work in progress, but I'm taking actions to make that my reality. In doing so influencing people around me to take similar steps simply through their observance of my happiness, relaxation and calm and desire to have the same.
A little side note
This has all sparked a wonderful idea that is currently in the making and I hope to launch soon...watch this space for updates. Right now I can say that I'm super excited by it and would love to get as many of you as possible involved! If you want to see the world differently, please message below/contact me directly.
In the meantime, if you're ready to make massive changes in yourself and your world get in touch with me at info@apakula.com.au.
Be your best!
Bhav xx